Watching Elijah Fall by Amy Spector ♥

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WATCHING ELIJAH FALL - Amy Spector - (P1) - Jutoh

A man looks out from a black-and-white photograph. He is beautiful and shirtless, with a stubble-covered jaw and a hint of what might be a smile. He rests his hand lightly against his chin and cheek. He has clear pale eyes under heavy brows. Lips slightly parted, he studies the one behind the camera with an intimate gaze.

See the photo here

Dear Author,

I signed up for this class to get my friends off my back. They’ve been bugging me to get out and try something new ever since my ex left me― right after cleaning out our joint checking account and half our belongings. Nothing says we’re through like a negative balance and missing flat screen…

So I signed up for this photography class thinking I’d learn a few new tricks behind the lens. I wasn’t planning on finding this man. He’s gorgeous, smart, and so damn sexy I can’t concentrate in class. Did I forget to mention he’s the teacher? How the hell am I supposed to pay attention to exposures when all I want to do is run my hands over every inch of his taut body?

**The speaker here is a non-traditional student. The class can be taken at a university or community center he just has to be a bit older than the average college student (mid-twenties). Please, give these guys a HEA or at least a HFN. Other than that have fun!



Tags: photography, loss of spouse, non-MC infidelity, comfort/healing, no sex, grief
Word Count: 17,247

EVENT: Love’s Landscapes

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