Trying Not to Love You by N.J. Nielsen ♥

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Trying Not To Love You-Nielsen - jutoh

Two guys asleep on a train one lying on top of the other’s lap. They’re both dressed in torn jeans and T-shirts. One has bluish/green coloured hair. They look to be like they’re in a grunge rock band or possibly are on their way home from a concert. The guy with the coloured hair is using the thigh of the guy lying on him as a pillow. They look comfortable with each other.

See the photo here

Dear Author,

Who are they? Are they band mates heading home after a gig? Buddies after a long night out? Fans post-concert? Is this the night that changes everything? Or just a night like any other they share? How have they become so comfortable, with themselves, and each other? Is it new and fresh, or solid and steady?

HFN/HEA preferably. Other than that head where the muse insists you go! =)



Genre: contemporary
Tags: musicians/rock stars, first time, friends to lovers, gay for you, close bonds
Content Warnings: interfering family and friends
Word Count: 27,522

Dedicated to Calila for such a great prompt. I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

EVENT: Love’s Landscapes

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